KIB Newsletter April 2020
Not Business as Usual!
As we all adapt as best we can to the current situation, we thought that it would be useful to share some links to information aimed at helping businesses which trade internationally to deal with the current situation.
If you find yourself at home with some extra planning time, we’ve shared some links to some information which might help you with desk-based export-related research and information.
Also, if you are experiencing any specific challenges that are hindering your export activities or plans at the moment, feel free to drop us a line as it’s always good to use this type of intelligence from the ground to ensure that Kent’s export-support services can help wherever possible.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for UK businesses trading internationally:
The government has created a web page with key information for businesses which export. It features information on current support available from DIT (Department for International Trade), supply chains, support available internationally, financial support and FCO advice on travel. Please click here to visit the advice page.
DIT Country-Specific Exporting Guides:
If your keen to start exploring potential opportunities in another country, there are a range of country guides available to help you get started. Visit find out more.
New UK Government Business Support Website:
Companies interested in exporting can find out more about the current services available from the Department for International Trade as well as advice, information and tips on the Government’s Business Support website. Visit to find out more about export support services.
UK Government Inquiry into Trade Negotiations:
The government is seeking views and evidence to inform its approach to negotiating Free Trade Agreements in the coming months. Click here to visit the Parliament website to find out more.
2020 Food Trends in France:
Our colleagues at Sutralis in France have produced a guide to expected food trends in France for 2020. Have a look to see if you think that there might be a market for your products. Click here to visit the blog.
Innovative Sector Exchange (ISE) Project Update
Sadly, we had to cancel several key activities planned for March and April but we’re liaising with the project funders to see whether it might be possible to re-arrange the activities below for later this year. Whilst nothing will be certain for a while, we’ll be working behind the scenes on the details.
- A visit for Kent’s agri-food businesses to the re-scheduled Tavola fine food & drink trade show in Kortrijk, Belgium
- The ISE Innovation Summit in Bruges with keynote speakers from several global companies
- Further opportunities to book a 121 innovation & internationalisation diagnostic with us.
We’ll keep you posted!
For more information about ISE Project please email Natasha White or visit the project website:
Boost4Health Update
The extension phase of our Boost4Health project has been delayed by a few months. The project helped over 40 Kent Life Science businesses with internationalisation through offering micro-financing, coaching and matchmaking opportunities with our partner regions in mainland Europe.
We’ll let you know as soon as we are able to launch our travel grant scheme and event programme.
Kent Food & Drink Export Cluster
Through the SIE Interreg project, Kent County Council and the KIB partners recently invited Kent companies in the food & drink to join a small export cluster. Whilst the activities for early summer 2020 have been postponed, we are hoped to run an accelerated programme of activity in the autumn. Again, we’ll keep you posted when things become clearer.