Council for European BioRegions
What is CEBR?
CEBR is a membership-driven network of life science clusters and regional ecosystems across Europe, representing over 40 subscription members and hundreds of cluster partners across the world. Together, CEBR represents and supports a critical mass of SMEs, universities and research centres.
Mission & Goals
- To strengthen transfer of knowledge and collaboration between life science clusters/ecosystems in Europe and support sustainable growth for SMEs.
- Create a platform for cluster/network development & collaboration across Europe.
- Increase visibility of clusters/ bioregions and their contribution to sustainable growth.
- Develop joint activities to support SME development.
- Strengthen the knowledge transfer and best practise between clusters.
- Encourage cooperation between clusters.
Why Kent is a member
In order to build on the legacy of the EU-funded Interreg Boost4Health project activity and network which supported Kent-based Health & Life Science businesses with internationalisation and connected them to clusters, contacts and businesses in North West Europe, Kent remains a member of the Council of European BioRegions (CEBR).
Who CEBR connects Kent to (which clusters)
The CEBR consists of around 40 Life Science clusters and other organisations working with Health & Life Science companies across Europe. Through the CEBR, Kent SMEs have access to collaboration opportunities, information about different Life Science cluster activities and the potential to link up with businesses, research organisations and cluster leads across Europe.
How to find out more
Click here to visit the CEBR website.