Emerging Antimicrobials and Diagnostics in AMR: Amsterdam

Learn about the latest AMR technologies and benefit from extensive partnering and networking possibilities
International podium upcoming AMR technologies
EADA 2022 is the 9th AMR Insights International Matchmaking Symposium on row. The 1,5 day event provides an overview of emerging preventives, antimicrobials, new antimicrobial strategies, microbial diagnostics and related (platform) technologies. The event welcomes private and public organisations involved in AMR.
Attractive, interactive programme
The event offers key note lectures, technology updates, product updates, orchestrated matchmakings, frontline stories, forum discussion, information market and ample networking opportunities.
Dedicated UK program on 17 November
The UK is developing into a global AMR powerhouse. The event offers an exciting, half-day business program developed in cooperation with Innovate UK on 17 November: funding, innovation programs, grants, where to be for AMR business ambitions in the UK, information market and personal introductions.
Orchestrated matchmakings
The event offers the well-known, orchestrated matchmaking sessions: short and effective, bilateral meetings according a pre-defined arrangement based on your own interests. Participants automatically enroll in the matchmaking program.
Symposium dinner on 17 November; guests welcome
The event offers an optional Symposium drinks and dinner on 17 November in ‘De Bazel’. Delegates, their partners, business relations and exhibitors are heartily invited. Booking and payment for the dinner (EUR 35 per person; ex VAT) is possible upon registering for the event.
WHO WAAW 2022 Event
EADA 2022 is part of the WHO World Antibiotics Awareness Week (WAAW 2022; 18-24 November).