Explore New Markets: Doing Business in Canada (DIT)

Event Details

Date: 7th October 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Explore New Markets: Doing Business in Canada


About This Event


Are you looking to successfully start, expand or grow your UK business in Canada?


International demand for UK goods and services is growing rapidly, offering a wealth of opportunities for SMEs looking to expand overseas.

With a population of 37 million and the second-largest country in the world by area, Canada continues a strong trade relationship with the UK totalling £10.7 billion (ONS, 2019) in the year up to March 2019. These well-established trade links offer a secure economic foundation and multiple advantages for UK businesses looking to build an international presence.


Why should you join this webinar? 

This free webinar is designed to help your UK business understand the major market opportunities in Canada, the benefits of expanding to this market and how to overcome barriers when doing business overseas.

Join us on Thursday, 07 October 2021 to hear from our market experts as they share insights, tips and strategies to expand your products or services in Canada with success.


Featured Speaker

Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service

  • Provides information and advice on doing business in Canada
  • Works directly with global investors to unlock investment opportunities and facilitate expansion in Canada.
  • Assists in developing a business case for investment projects.
  • Provides Strategic market intelligence on specific industries.
  • Provides information on government programmes that can help you set up a business in Canada, access tax and R&D credits, as well as other incentives.
  • Provides introductions to provincial, territorial and local investment promotion agencies who can help you access local investment opportunities, networks and programmes.
  • Provides referrals to investment support professionals, such as lenders, lawyers, accounting firms, information specialists and private-sector industry associations’.

 What will you learn? 

  • An overview of the current Canadian market
  • Understand the cultural differences and considerations when doing business with Canadian people and companies
  • Uncover the various business regulation considerations
  • Learn how to formulate a market entry strategy for success
  • Find out the barriers and common pitfalls facing UK exporters
  • Receive advice and guidance from Canadian market experts