International B2B Matchmaking at Ocean Business 21 (EEN)

International B2B Matchmaking at Ocean Business 21
A chance to meet potential business and technology partners in one day!
Innovate UK EDGE and Enterprise Europe Network are organising a B2B matchmaking event on Wednesday 13 October 2021, during Ocean Business 21.
This FREE matchmaking event will give you the opportunity to meet potential international business partners during pre-arranged 20 minute meetings and create real business development opportunities with exhibitors but also visitors, active in the maritime sector. Your agenda will be sent to you one week before the event with the exact time and location of your meetings:
- Are you looking for new customers, partners or financiers for your company?
- Are you looking for new potential partners to develop your business and research objectives?
- Are you seeking partners to adapt your technology for dual-use applications?
- Or maybe you just want to boost your innovativeness?
For whom?
Businesses working in:
- Marine engineering
- Maritime defence
- Environmental monitoring and pollution control
- Ports and harbours
- Marine Autonomous Systems